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Finding Focus: Branding and Image

    We’re inundated with information and choices so if you’re trying to sell a product or service, you’ve got your work cut out for you. A first impression may be the only chance you get with a potential client so consider these things to better your chances at making a sale.

    Do You Have a Style Guide or Brand Kit?
    Your business should have specific fonts and colors that coordinate with your logo that are used consistently in your marketing. When people see your company shirt, wrapped vehicle, business card, flyer, website or social media ad they should be able to clearly identify your brand. It often takes multiple impressions for a customer to convert and you don’t ever want to waste an opportunity for brand recognition. A strong brand creates a distinct identity for your business and helps customers differentiate you from your competitors.

    Is Your Message Clear?
    Part of your brand is your message. What do you do? Who do you serve? How can you help me? Put yourself in your client’s shoes and ask, will they understand our message? Effective messaging can also create an emotional connection with customers. It allows you to communicate your values, personality and story, helping resonate with customers on a deeper level beyond just your products and services. Think of an insurance commercial that shows a dad teaching his daughter how to ride a bike, drive a car and then walk down the aisle. It creates a feeling of warmth and trust and connectedness, more than just saying, buy insurance from us, would. Messaging matters—reevaluate yours.

    Are You Having a Good Hair Day?
    Is your shirt tucked in? Is your clothing appropriate for your audience? Is your company shirt faded or stained? Do you carry breath mints? Does your deodorant need to be reapplied?  Don’t be offended by my honesty because you know there is truth to it. You don’t need to be movie star handsome to get the job (unless you’re a movie star I guess?) but as a representative of the work you do, people will assume you care as much about your job as you do about your appearance. Brush your teeth and iron the shirt. You’ve got this.

    Perceived Value
    A well-branded business can command a higher perceived value in the eyes of consumers. Customers are often willing to pay a premium for products and services from brands they deem trustworthy and higher quality. These judgments are made by looking for a professional website, messaging that resonates, clean work vehicles, an email address that is branded to the website and not Gmail (
    read more about this) and all of the other items mentioned above. 

    If You Have a Storefront or Client-facing Office
    First, can your customer find you? Are your windows clean? Is your signage clear? Is your signage consistent with your branding? Second, Are your product displays attractive? Is it organized? Does the atmosphere project the right vibe?  This could be calm music and soft colors at a doctors office versus bold colors and indie rock at an independent sandwich shop. Evaluate if you’re attracting the right audience with the atmosphere you’ve created.

    If you need guidance with your branding, please reach out. I’d love to help your first impression be a lasting one.